Thursday, 15 December 2011

Music and Turnaround

The most witty and inventive of titles? Perhaps not, but at least it quickly gets to the point.

Recently I have been speaking with a Music Tech graduate called Joseph Burns. He has been working to produce a really authentic sound for The Lawless Online and hopefully in the near future I can throw a sneak-peak track on here for you all to see.

Along with the new music, work has started on the new promotional trailer which should generate a bit more of a following and hopefully get the word out about The Lawless Online and let people know that we're looking for a programmer! Will also help to build substance for funding application video that we can put up onto or any other of those funding websites which should be fun.

The modelling side of things has had to be on hold for a little while. But I have made a turn-a-round of a FINISHED model. One which you may recognise or notice from an earlier post.

The music featured in that turnaround is an early drums test from Joseph Burns. I thought it worked quite well in the turnaround, so enjoy. Next post will be featuring shots and a sneak peak of the promotional trailer. Hope to see some new faces next time I post..... Perhaps!

Jack Bromhead,
The Lawless Online

Friday, 4 November 2011

Buildings, Buildings and then a few more buildings

Still slowly cracking out building after building trying to create a rich environment for the western theme. In my spare time I have been cracking out some classic westerns like 'Once Upon A Time in the West' for some inspiration and playing Red Dead. I'm sure sooner or later you will see a farm house like the one from the film... More importantly, the really low roofed barn.

Anyway, just a quick render of a wooden saloon. This one is probably the biggest building I've done so far, more fleshing out needs to be done like tables and a few more chairs and a hatch up to the roof section.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Quick Update

A few shots from another selection of buildings. Each day the construction box is filling up with more random props to populate the buildings, but its just getting enough variety. Once the basics of all the buildings are done, I will go through and populate them further. More wanted signs, more posters, signs, furniture and miscellaneous items.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Just a quick one!

Managed to get a night off early from the bar as it was so dead (amazing!) which meant I could get home and finish texturing one of the buildings. HDR lighting and then contrast/brightness tweaked in Photoshop

This is one version of the General Store. A bit sparse at the moment, but more detailing will be added soon, some wanted pictures, note paper, more empty glasses and furniture.

The other sides haven't been finished either, so that's why you sausages only get the front angle!

Hopefully will be getting some more up soon!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Today was a rather eventful day. As I previously mentioned in my blogpost from yesterday, two of my friends and I travelled to several different universities in the area on a recruitment mission to get the word out that we're looking for some programmers. The universities we travelled to were Reading University, Southampton University, Solent and Portsmouth university.

The day started early (for me) at 8am, being in a rush trying to print out some contact cards, something I had forgotten to do the previous days. Which is quite ridiculous, but let's continue. We then continued the day by checking into "Big Tescos" for breakfast, fuel and drawing pins, something I had forgotten in my planning stage (another thing?!) and got on our way.

First stop, Reading University. Greeted on entry by a security guard it suddenly dawned on me that this may be something that universities frown upon, but I wasn't going to let it get in the way. As it happened, we were on the last day of visitor parking, so we didn't need a parking permit (luck win?). As I expected the first stop at Reading seemed a little awkward. We hadn't really had a chance to prepare because we weren't too sure on what to expect, so we just rolled with it and waltzed into the reception at White Knights campus, asking about job boards and directions to the Computer Science department.

Turns out that a job board type facility was available at the Student Union, so we wandered off there to see what we find. Turns out we definitely aren't allowed to just go round the university. Which was quite awkward. Shot down with statements like "I'm surprised you guys haven't been thrown out yet.".


So that development kind of put us all on edge. We knew that it may be a bit of a funny situation, but hadn't really thought of being chucked out. But if we did, I suppose it would have been totally rock'n'roll and would probably of helped sell the name.....

We then got lost.

But arrived in an area surrounded by hopeful sounding places such as "IT Services" and "Electronic Engineering", but couldn't seem to find a "Computer Science" block. So we had to ask.

On arrival, the place seemed huge and just started putting up leaflets with tear-away contact slips attached on as many notice boards as possible. We were hopeful there would be some students knocking about that we could have a quick chat with, but turns out that no students hang out there. It was dead. Only a suspicious looking janitor wandering up and down the corridor with ever-changing cleaning products in his hand.

We then started journeying down to Southampton, where we stopped at Winchester services and completely n0mmed a set of Burger Kings at extortionate prices.
As we drove up to the University campus, we had difficulty finding a parking space that wasn't private or permit holders only, but were fortunate enough to find a space opposite Brewed something, a cafe on the edge of the campus. Just so happens that the space leads directly to the Computer Science areas and continued our leafleting.

The doors were all keycard protected. Bummer! Somehow, through extreme luck, a student (perhaps?) was waiting by the door and was friendly enough to let us through. Southampton university has tight security..

We snuck around and placed a load of leaflets again and left sharpish, as the tutors seemed scary and had concentration faces on. Outside we spoke to a few students and hopefully they have followed us onto this blog? Hello if you have!

SOLENT UNIVERSITY. Well we didn't stop there long.

Portsmouth. Another struggle! But we found the place and posted some leaflets before we got ushered off by security.

By this time, it was too late to hit the other universities such as Bournemouth and Surrey so we headed home. Back to Sandhurst!

Let me just take this moment to introduce you to the man in the middle. Daniel Pither. If you decide to follow this blog, I'm sure you will be hearing things about him..

Director/Art Director

Monday, 3 October 2011

Progress and Roadtrip!

So the first post after my return from Greece, and along with it are some pictures of some assets but before I continue onto the WIP shots, I'll mention the journey I will be about to embark on tomorrow!

My two friends Pither and Michael Gray are heading off to a selection of universities in the nearby area. The establishments on the action plan are Reading University, Southampton, Southampton Solent, Portsmouth and Surrey university.. And if we're ahead of schedule we may drop by Bournemouth university.

After several failed attempts at contact with Course and Module leaders of Computer Science / Games technology courses to find some talented coders, I decided that I might as well attempt a rock'n'roll offensive and just rock up to the universities and put up the advertisements and speak to the students myself. I hope it works... If not, it will be a fun day out at least. If you are one of those students I spoke to and you followed us onto this blog then welcome! Get in contact!

The first of the set of WIP pictures are of the un-textured models of some of the weapons featured in the game. In this render you can see the Single Action Army revolver, the Schofield revolver, Winchester rifle and the Double Barrelled shotgun. When I get round to it, I will upload textured pictures.

That's it for now! Another post will be up tomorrow evening with some pictures and news on the roadtrip!

Director/Art Director

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Programmers Wanted!

Hello again, two posts one day. Nice.

The team at The Lawless Online are looking for a dedicated programmer to join. We're looking for a dedicated, enthusiastic, team-player programmer who would like to work on an exciting new project, The Lawless Online.

This position will be responsible for working on the game engine itself, building a modular-structured strategy game engine from the ground up. The programmer in this position must be able to swim when thrown in the deep-end (figuratively... Maybe) and can communicate well with other team members, as they will be working closely with the Art team and the Web Developers.

If you have:

- Strong Java coding skills
- Passion for games
- Strong set of previous examples of work (professional or hobbyist)

Advantageous skills:

- Knowledge of SQL/noSQL
- Web development
- Previous experience

Anyway, if you think you might have the skills to join up. E-mail me, Jack, at and we will discuss the project in more detail.

Jack Bromhead
Director / Art Director

Opening of the DevBlog!


So I've decided to open up the Developers Blog a lot sooner than I had planned. I have done this for several reasons, most of which I don't really understand myself, but one of which is important. It's by far the easiest way for people to see the standard of work being produced. I'm currently look for some programmer(s) to join the team and there's no better place for them to see the vision of the project, than here.

In the next few days I will be uploaded a few snapshots of some of the 3D assets available. If you happen to be a programmer with strong Java skills then please do not hesitate to contact me, Jack, at and I can divulge more information.

If you're just interested in the project, keep coming back because the next few days, I will be filling this more and more with content and project descriptions.

As a first blog post, it's quite skimpy, but it does the job. Important lesson there... I'm sure I'll be back on here soon enough!

Director/Art Director